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14 - Find all Critical Connections in the

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14. Find all Critical Connections in the Graph

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

To find all critical connections in the graph, I used Tarjan's algorithm, which is based on depth-first search (DFS). Here's a brief explanation of the approach:

  1. Initialize variables timer, vis, dis, low, and ans.
  2. Implement a depth-first search (DFS) function to traverse the graph.
  3. During DFS traversal, mark the visited nodes and update the discovery time (dis) and lowest reachable node (low) for each node.
  4. If a backward edge is found (i.e., low[it] > dis[node]), it indicates a critical connection. Store the edge in the ans vector.
  5. Sort the ans vector to maintain order.
  6. Return the ans vector containing all critical connections.


I personally recommend this video for detailed learning about Tarjan's algorithm.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity : The time complexity of Tarjan's algorithm is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity : The auxiliary space complexity is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph. This space is utilized for maintaining the vis, dis, low, and ans vectors.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    int timer = 0;
    vector<vector<int>> ans;
    vector<int> vis, dis, low;

    void dfs(int node, int parent, vector<int> adj[]) {
        vis[node] = 1;
        dis[node] = low[node] = timer;
        for (auto it : adj[node]) {
            if (it == parent)
            else if (!vis[it])
                dfs(it, node, adj);

            low[node] = min(low[node], low[it]);
            if (low[it] > dis[node])
                ans.push_back({min(it, node), max(it, node)});

    vector<vector<int>> criticalConnections(int v, vector<int> adj[]) {
        vis = vector<int>(v, 0);
        dis = low = vector<int>(v, -1);
        for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) {
            if (vis[i] == 0)
                dfs(i, -1, adj);
        sort(ans.begin(), ans.end());
        return ans;

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